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Getting your next corporate team building event right

Corporate team building events are vitally important for bringing together your employees, particularly when the group is new to each other, or they are undertaking a fresh project with new challenges.

There are lots of different team-building activities which can be booked as part of a one-day or multi-day event, and your selection will ultimately depend on your target outcomes for the event, but here are a few corporate event ideas that you should definitely consider including in your next team-bonding exercise:

Problem Solving

Problem and puzzle solving is a great way to start a day. It gets everyone’s brains ticking, and can be a good way to break the ice and start to establish group leaders or captains for later in the day. Puzzles can be purely mental, a simple physical building activity, or something more exerting, but should be tailored to suit all physical abilities.

Physical Challenges

Raft-building in a lake, dividing into teams for forest Laserquest, or taking on an inflatable assault course, physical activity is a great way to bring people together, and the satisfaction of completing a challenge, and helping others to do so, leads to a real sense of well-being among team members.

Externally-led Sessions and Seminars

Bringing in an external expert or professional speaker can be a great opportunity for your team to learn from the experiences of the leader and their other team members. Encouraging individuals to share their experiences with the rest of their community builds confidence and helps team members to form stronger bonds with each other.

Break-time and Evening Bonding Activities

Whether your event is just a day or taking place over several, break times and meal times are really important bonding times for your team members. Make sure the catering is up to scratch, and if your employees are staying overnight make sure there is evening entertainment like a band, comedian or dance act, so people are less tempted to hit the hay early.

Conquering Fears

Conquering a fear gives a huge adrenalin rush, and doing so while with others is a great way to forge bonds that will never break. It could be climbing a high wall and zip-lining off the top, swinging through the trees on an aerial assault course, taking on a challenge in darkness, handling tarantulas or snakes, or completing a team challenge where some senses have been removed (sight, hearing). Whatever the challenge and fear, overcoming those phobias will bring your team much closer together.

Learning a New Skill

Team-building events are a great time to learn a new skillset, and teaching sessions are a great time to break down barriers and any self-consciousness that may be present in your team. Circus activities, dance routines, amateur dramatics, cookery, or a new craft, can all be worked into your corporate team-building event with outstanding results.

It’s important to make your team-building events accessible and inclusive for all ages and abilities, with a wide range of activities so everyone has the opportunity to excel and shine, building their confidence along the way. Make sure you let your event suppliers know what your target outcomes and requirements are so they can tailor activities and group situations to get the best out of everyone.

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